Personal Projects
Clown @ 10 years old
Other than embarrassment: these pictures are posted so my student's will know that I too had to learn whole lot about art! Believe it or not I was in third grade and this was done with the help of an art instructor. Its the best I could do at that time even under guidance.
Green Lantern @ 11 or 12 years old
Another embarrassing piece of art from my childhood. I actually got a 5th grade teacher to let me read a graphic novel for a book report. You have no idea how hard that was to do back in the day! This is one of two illustrations for that book report. Its pretty bad considering the book was drawn by the legendary Neal Adams who I am sure I was attempting to copy. No professional guidance on this piece though.
Johnny West
based off of the Vintage Action Figure by Marx, unfinished work from around 1996-1998
To the Right=
Noir Piece of Art from my TSTC days, 1993-1994. It was based on some movie stills they had a ton of at the school. I have no clue what the movie is/was. I just like this piece of art.
King Arthur, Camelot and Excalibur
charcoal sketch from my college days at TSTC circa 1993-1994
I created this parody character way back in the early 80's. I use to make one page comic strips and sell them to kids at my school way back in 1983 to 1984. I never really got over the character and still draw him on occasion even today.
I did all three of these sketches on the Microsoft Surface Pro. Kufie Man lacks a lot in the brains department, but he does have insane superhuman strength, which it turns out is a very bad combination.
This is Demolition Duck who was inspired by the Rambo films that played during my youth. He usually shoots first and asks questions later, which is also a bad combination. He serves as fitting sidekick to Kufie Man who is himself nearly indestructible.
Also done on the Surface Pro, this is Fist which is a character I played in a long running Ebberon Dungeons & Dragons campaign that my oldest son has been running for years. His race is known as Warforged and he is a Monk. He settles most arguments with his fists like his name sake, but has a 'heart' of gold once resurrecting 7 centaur foes after discovering that they were only attacking the adventuring party in order to supply food to their starving race of people. I based the pose on someone else artwork, but made so many changes that I feel comfortable calling it mine. They said Picasso was a bandit and I believe most artist are. Some of my best ideas start with other peoples art and evolves into something else entirely.
Jennifer Lopez
Drawn in Microsoft Sketchbook on a Microsoft Surface Pro. I wanted to see if I could shade on the Surface Pro. Its ok, I think I will get better. I did draw this free-handed from a magazine picture.
I play Dungeons & Dragons with both of my sons. This is a character sketch done on a Microsoft Sketchbook Pro.
This is the color version. The character is suppose to be a Gnome and I think I need to redo proportions of legs and arms to make that work.
Hand painted miniatures
Here is my hand-painted versions of two of the Wizards. Note that Wizards of the Coast has 'color renderings' of these figures on their website. I do not believe anyone can paint a miniature the way they have them represented. I believe the 'rendering' was actually done on a computer. See the unpainted mini shown below.
This is a pre-primed miniatures sold by Wizards of the Coast. They come gray as shown above.
Pencil Sketch
This is a pencil sketch that I did for my wife's birthday. I had originally intended to do it in scratch board, but it took so long to do the sketch that I abandoned the idea. If I had known it was going to be a 'finished' sketch I would have used a lighter pencil to do the layouts, ah well.
Steampunk Gunslinger, Cosplay Inspired
Medieval Lisa, Summoners Wars Inspired.
Inspired by a real castle, though I have no clue of the name.
Batgirl Pointillism, I picked up where a student left off on this work, but I would say its more than 50% my work at this point. The moon for instance was just a big white spot, and she was missing more than 50% of the dots you see here.
Female Flash-based off of a Cosplay Costume that was on Pintrist, new pose though.
Griffon- My son Drake brought me a how to draw fantasy book, it was a very small book with no details. So this looks nothing like it. LoL
This piece was based off the model picture to the right of it that I found on Pinterest. Everything else is my own 'invention'.
Wild West Indian
This was done by me in Pixil Art this year for our Warm Color Scheme Assignment, for this the students color my line work or another artists. Its an Art 1 project. This took longer than I thought it would and likely will not be a favorite of the students due to that. #indian #americanwest #americanindian #nativeamerican #thewest
Cad Bane
We started using Pixil Art last year, and this is one of my personal projects for the 2022 school year in that program. #cadbane #starwars #bountyhunter #clonewars
2023 Pointillism after J. Scott Cambell's famous Spider-man cover. I just love pointillism with markers. I do not know any other teacher that uses this method, and I would love to claim authorship of the idea. However, I really don't remember if I ever saw one before I started doing them with my students around 2016. I intended to do the buildings in the background, but did not get to it until 2024, see the Pointillism Project under Texture.
Here are a couple of White Charcoal images that I drew during Art Club in the 2023-2024 school year.