Aerial Perspective
Page from 501 things for the Quick Draw Kid by Paul Konye & Kate Ashforth, published by Hinkler
Page from 501 things for the Quick Draw Kid by Paul Konye & Kate Ashforth, published by Hinkler
Scotty WIlhelm's layout sketch, 2018.
Scotty WIlhelm's layout sketch, 2018.
Final Sketch
Final Sketch
Finished sketch with value added, note that the wall was changed from layout to final. Final sketch by Scotty Wilhelm, 2018.
Page from 501 things for the Quick Draw Kid by Paul Konye & Kate Ashforth, published by Hinkler
Page from 501 things for the Quick Draw Kid by Paul Konye & Kate Ashforth, published by Hinkler
Cropped the Foreground figure, replaced the Frisbee with a UFO, added a moon cratered background as well as space suits and space.
Cropped the Foreground figure, replaced the Frisbee with a UFO, added a moon cratered background as well as space suits and space.
This layout was done in 2018, I started drawing on it in 2019 before I remembered to take a photo so that is why the Minotaur has some detailing.
This layout was done in 2018, I started drawing on it in 2019 before I remembered to take a photo so that is why the Minotaur has some detailing.
The how to draw page for this sheet is shown on the Aerial Perspective page, but I modified it as I wanted to this time.
The final sketch. This time I worked on showing value more than in the past and I think it shows. It also took a lot of time though!
The final sketch. This time I worked on showing value more than in the past and I think it shows. It also took a lot of time though!
Drawn and copyrighted by Scotty Wilhelm, 2019.