Coloring Tutorial
Coloring Page
The entire class will be coloring the same coloring page. I have done this before and found that students really need to be able to follow me. Therefore, everyone will use the same page.
Rules for Coloring
Lay a base coat for the area your going to work on and make sure that base coat is the lightest value you into to use in the area other than possible a highlight.
Layer colors starting from the lightest and going to the darkest color you intend to use in the area.
Color in the direction of the object. Do not color against the grain of the object and do not color in multiple directions.
Generally you will always blend with the lightest color of an area, but if the area is dark and needs to remain dark you may need to blend with a darker color.
There is a colorless blender made by Prisma Color. If you are having trouble blending you may need to use a Colorless Blender. I do not recommend them because they dull your colors, but they do work very well.
Sometimes you may need to make a color. Making a color can be challenging, but in the case of the Batman's gray costume we did have to make a gray by mixing several other colors.
Instructional Example
Here is an example of my coloring for a class in 2018. When you are coloring, I highly advise making a list of what colors you are using. Prismacolors have numbers on the barrel. Below you will see the notes I made to myself during this process. These notes appear on the back of the coloring sheet. You never know when you are going to need to know what colors you used. Sometimes you miss a spot and need to do it on another day. It can be very challenging to remember what colors you used on the first day. Remember you will need all the information that I am teaching you about color to color your Comic Book Cover Project. I fully expect you to follow all of these rules and guidelines.