Impressionism developed in France in the nineteenth century and is based on the practice of painting out of doors and spontaneously 'on the spot' rather than in a studio from sketches. Main impressionist subjects were landscapes and scenes of everyday life. 

The most important characteristic of Impressionism in painting was an attempt to accurately and objectively record visual reality in terms of transient effects of light and colour. 

Impressionism can be defined as having three main elements that distinguish it from other types of art. These are its depiction of light, its staccato brush strokes, and its open composition. Secondary to this are its focus on movement or subject matter of the everyday life as opposed to charubs, angels, kings and queens.

Some of the main impressionist artists are Claude Monet, Berthe Morisot, Camille Pissarro, Alfred Sisley, Auguste Renoir, Mary Cassatt and Edgar Degas. 


We will study the Impressionism style and then paint a painting with acrylic paints in the impressionist style. Outdoor subjects are encouraged. Attention to lighting and shadow are must. Short brush strokes are needed to make an Impressionist style.

Student Examples